50. Creative Process 3

Ian Cohen: Co-Founder/Creative Directer, Wexley School for Girls (Seattle, Washington).

I am not similar to Ian in that before I come up with any ideas or make any big decisions, I need to clear my head, I am constantly thinking of random things throughout the day. I find it hard to separate social life with work/school life. I agree that it’s best not to pretend you’re at work, that way there’s less pressure and it’s more informal. I also agree with Ian that it’s best to do your big thinking outside of work. Going to the park or driving I come up with some of my best ideas.

49. Creative Process 2

Tom Christmann: Creative Director, JWT (New York, New York).

I don’t agree with Tom Christmann’s creative process. I believe there is such thing as imagination. People can come with ideas and stories out of thin air, even if they haven’t experiences it. I agree that in order to have great ideas, you need to have a lot of knowledge and “learn about lots of stuff.” The more you know, the more people will think you have an amazing imagination.

48. Creative Process 1

Matt Barber

I agree with Dustin’s creative process that it is very hard to work in a space that is very open. I could not get anything done if my creative space was a large room with about 20 people and distractions all around. I agree that a typical office space is the most beneficial. I also agree that he says being available is one of the most important things to being creative. Our ideas normally get lost in the shuffle, so always having a pen and paper ready will not let this happen.